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Job Search in Denmark

Focus on how your qualifications match the requirements mentioned in the job ad

Your job application should consist of your CV and a cover letter. Usually, you submit your CV and cover letter electronically – the company will contact selected applicants to be interviewed.

Thorough research is a must. The more you know about the company, and how your professional qualifications can contribute to their business, the better.

If you have graduated recently, it is a good idea to enclose a copy of your diplomas. If you have years of work experience, you should only enclose diplomas if requested in the job ad.

Most employers decide whether you are an interesting candidate within minutes. This means that both your application and CV must be well written and to the point.

We have gathered our best tips for you when applying for a job in Denmark. Learn how to create a great CV and cover letter, how to apply unsolicited and how to prepare for the job interview.

Find your next job in Denmark here

Your CV

Your CV should contain all the relevant information about your professional, personal and social competences, but what about structure and writing a personal profile?

Your CV

Your Cover Letter

Make the employer want to meet you! Why would you be the best person for this job? We guide you through writing a great cover letter that will make you stand out and get noticed.

Your Cover Letter

Apply Unsolicited

Many jobseekers in Denmark succeed by sending an unsolicited application and calling in advance. Learn what Danish recruiters expect when you apply unsolicited.

Unsolicited Application

The Job Interview

It is easy to get nervous and not feeling prepared before entering a potential life-changing job interview. Don't worry, we have some tips to help you prepare for your job interview.

Preparing for the Interview